--------------------> Produced By Quick - Exit <---------------------->

Solve For The Absolute Value Of X At Y =

| -3X +6 | = | +4X -7 |

--> Y = | -3X +6 | = | +4X -7 |

--> Y = ( -3X +6 ) = ( +4X -7 ) Eq(1)

--> Y = ( -3X +6 ) = -1 * ( +4X -7 ) Eq(2)

--> Y = -3X +6 = -4X + 7 Eq(2)

--> Combine Like Terms Together

--> Y = 1X = 1--> Y = X = 1 / 1

--> Y = X = 1--> Y = X = 1.00

--------------------> Produced By Quick - Exit <---------------------->

Solve For The Absolute Value Of  X At Y = | -3X +6 | = | +4X -7 |

--> Y = | -3X +6 | = | +4X -7|

--> Solving For X In The Second Equation

--> Y = -3X +6 = +4X -7 Eq(1)

--> Combine Like Terms Together

--> Y = -7X = -13--> Y = X = -13 / -7

--> Y = X = 1.85714285714286

--> Y = X = 1.86

--> Both Function Intersect At = X = 1.86 To Form A V - Shape Curve\Function

--> At = X = 1.86 , Function - F(x) Of Eqn(1) = 0.43

--> At = X = 1.86 , Function - F(x) Of Eqn(2) = 0.43

--------------------> Session End <--------------------

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